Be United

BUD Ministries Podcast - "Lend Me Your Ear" - October 6, 2024

Reverend Neil McEwen Season 2 Episode 58

Join B-United In Worship via BUD Ministries Audio Podcasts with Bridgewater United Church, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia and West Side United Church, Pentz, Nova Scotia,  both Affirm United Church Communities within The United Church of Canada.

As a young child, we craved the quiet and uplifting moments when we could be close to someone and listen to them tell us a story. As we grow up, we take those moments for granted. How precious and unique is a person who can tell a story that can draw you in with the words and images, allowing you to feel that you are truly there. Jesus was a wonderful storyteller, and because of this, Jesus' stories live on through others. Our faith journey is a story telling journey. We wouldn't know how to live as People of God, if others hadn't shared those stories over and over. We must continue to listen and to share as faithful followers of Jesus, and see which paths God calls us to travel and share those faithful stories with others. 

#APlaceWhereEveryoneBelongs​   #ChooseLove​   #BUnited   #WestSideUnited​   #UnitedChurchOfCanada   #AffirmUnited   #StoryTeller   #EngagePeople   #Listen  #GodCallsUs   #TellMeTheStoriesOfJesus

Note: We are truly blessed to have archived messages from our Ministers from On-Site Worship Services at Bridgewater United Church, to share with others, as the messages still provide meaning and truth, as we continue our faithful journey of being true Disciples of Jesus.